Student Design Project
Bryony Fenn
‘T^LK’ is a website that offers art therapy classes that can be attended virtually or in person. The community aims to create a safe space for members to connect through Arts. It is oriented at supporting women living with HIV at different moments of their journey with a focus on craft, creativity and self-expression.
INTUIT team says: Bryony focused on developing services for women living with HIV - a group which has historically received less attention. ‘T^LK’ illuminates the potential of complementary approach for addressing poor mental health among women living with HIV. The aim of the website is to provide women with a safe space for creative expression. Engaging with art is known to improve health and wellbeing, particularly with regards to mental health. It can be used as a complement to clinical care to help process feelings, relieve stress and anxiety, and improve self-esteem.

Contact Caro at the INTUIT team if you have questions or want to find out more about this student project.